more weeks, we will be finding out the gender of little angel and hubby and I
could not be more excited! Though we kept on saying that it doesn't matter
whether it's a boy or a girl, in our hearts, we were praying that little
angel's a she. Haha! :) But whatever
God will give us and whatever our little angel will turn out to be,
s/he will be loved just as much.
Until the official "big reveal",
there are many ways to predict whether the baby is a he or a she. Of course
these ways are far from being accurate and are mostly based on old wives'
tales, but still compiled a list of all the clues, simply because I am curious
and I think that they are fun to do! Each one has a 50/50 chance of being
correct anyway. :)
Morning Sickness
It is said that if
you were sick or felt really nauseous during your pregnancy, count on a girl. If
you had a smooth pregnancy with no morning sickness, it's a boy.
Me: During
my first trimester, I always thrown up and always felt sick. 1 point for Team
Craving sweets? It's
a girl. Craving salty or sour foods? It's a boy.
Me: Well, I have been all about sweets. Anything sour makes me feel
sick to my stomach. 2 points for Team Girl
Shape of Belly
If you are carrying
high with a big, round belly, you are having a girl. If you are carrying low
with a smaller belly that sticks straight out, it's a boy.
Me: My bump is
high. 3 points for Team Girl
Face Shape
When your face gets
fuller and rounder when pregnant; it means you're going to have a girl. If your
face is long and narrow, it's a boy.
Me: I've always had a full, round face. BUT ever since I got pregnant, my face gets bigger and rounder! Haha! 4 points for Team Girl
Do you feel like
your nose is growing and getting wider? If so, you might be having a boy.
At 20 weeks now, my nose gets wider! Haha! 1 point for Team Boy
Chinese Gender Chart
The Chinese Gender
Chart claims to have an accuracy rate of over 90%. It is based on how old the
mother is at conception and the month that she conceived.
Me: This chart
tells me I'm having a girl! 5 points
for Team Girl (You can find the
Chinese Gender Predictor here.)
Mayan Tale
The Mayan tale adds
the mothers age at conception and the year of conception. If the result is an even
number then mom is having a girl. If the result is an odd number then a boy is
on the way!
Me: I got 2044, so it's a she! 6 points for Team Girl
Baby’s Heartbeat
According to
legend, if
your little one's heart rate is under 140 beats per minute, you're having a
little boy. If it's over, get ready for your little girl!
Me: The last time
we checked, baby's heartbeat was at 135. 2 points for Team Boy
Pretty or Ugly
Simple. If you have
that glow and look prettier when pregnant, it's a she. If your beauty has
disappeared, it's a he.
Me: I definitely feel and look uglier these days. Also,
my skin has gotten oilier. 3 points
for Team Boy
If you're
breaking out like crazy, then
that means it's a girl.
The belief goes that girls steal their mother's beauty, hence, those annoying
zits. Clear
skin means a boy.
Me: I have these annoying zits on my face that
never seem to go away! 7 points for Team Girl
Girl got 7 points and Team Boy got 3 points! Yey! Claiming it’s a girl. Haha! But
no matter what, as long as our little one is healthy, we will be the happiest
parents on the planet! :) We love you, little one!
Very blessed,
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