Saturday, December 21, 2013

Our Wedding Theme

Lately, I've been thinking of having a wedding theme, because my friend/wedding coordinator Kaye keep on asking me about it. Lol! Some couple just have a wedding color motif but since Kaye wanted us to have it, I decided to start researching. We've already defined our wedding color motif and I think it won't hurt to have a wedding theme too. 
One of the major decisions we had to make is the theme of the wedding. At first I wanted a Rustic Garden theme but then I have changed my mind. Through the help of Kaye, we came up to something both Percy and I like, or something that would reflect the two of us, who we really are.

Finally, after few weeks of thinking and researching, we settled on our theme: a Music Themed Wedding. We still haven’t settled on the particulars, but at least we have something to work on.

* Photo credits to the owner
 Wedding Invitation


Registration Table Set-up

Wedding Concert Poster

Vinyl Record Guest Book

Table Set-up - Vinyl Record Table Number

Music Themed Wedding Cake


1 comment:

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