Saturday, March 8, 2014

Our Prenup Teaser

God has been very good to us since day one of planning this wedding. Of course, we wanted a prenup/engagement   shoot just like every other engaged couples. It was listed on our “nice-to-have's”. 

Last March 1 was our prenup photo shoot, and it was a successful one! :) It was held at 3 venues: UP Diliman, Selda Dos (a music studio) and Villamor Air base.

Below our some pictures from our prenup shoot and prenup teasers! :)

* Photos are raw from our photographers

All in all, it was a fun but very tiring shoot. Thank you Kuya Toff for accompanying us to the venue. To Kaye and Shiela who handled everything for us and served as our “alalays” Haha! To our suppliers, Lee Santiago and Chris Garcia, thank you so much for the wonderful and very memorable prenup shoot. Thanks, too, to Ate Nieva for the hair and makeup and made us looked fabulous! Last but not the least, Thank You God for giving us a very good weather on our prenup shoot. :)


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