Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Big Day Updates

It's first day of April and our wedding ticker says we only have two months until the big day!

A number of people have asked me how I feel now that it's so near. Honestly, it’s mixed emotions. I’m happy at the same time nervous. All I know is that regardless of how I feel at any given moment, my heart and mind are consistent in telling me that it's all positive, that I am a happy bride-to-be. By now, we have already put a check mark on many of our major things-to-do, but of course, there are still some things to accomplish. In summary, here are our Big Day developments:

  • Church Requirements:  Marriage license application done.
  • Caterer:  Final detailing done. Awaiting the floor plan once the number of guests is finalized
  • Wedding Rings:  Our lovely rings are ready! They're in Percy's possession now for safekeeping until June.
  • Invitations:  Done and distributed. :)
  • Wedding Attire: Second fitting done. Groom’s suit and entourage’s gowns are already made. 
  • Wedding Accessories:  Completed! :) 
  • Souvenirs:  Done!
  • Reception Program:  Done! :)
  • List of Songs:  Done  
  • Engagement Photo/Video Shoot:  Super done! :)
  • Guest list and Table Assignments:  Done!
  • Hotel for Preps:  Booked! :) 

Pending tasks:

  • Final detailing with OTD:  ongoing talks with Ms. Tess
  • Florist:  I haven't scheduled a detailing yet. 

I guess we're doing okay so far. I'm sure things will go smoothly for us because God is in the center of all this. With God all things are possible! :)


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