Today is December 31. In just a few hours, the clock will
strike twelve, and 2015 will already have passed. But before that
happens, let me spend some time thanking God for my bestest year so far, where
God granted our most awaited blessing, our baby Annika! :)
This year, God has showered me and Percy with countless other blessings! He's really the best, answering our prayers in the most perfect
time, and giving us many other things we never even knew we needed or wanted. I
can only look forward to 2016 with a big smile on my face, knowing fully well
that it will be another wonderful year.
I may
not know what's out there for me and for us, but my faith tells me that it will
all be good! After all, it's God who has planned out everything, right? All
His plans are perfect... who wouldn't be delighted? :)
So cheers to a blessed 2016! Cheers to a
brand new year, a chance for new beginnings! :)