Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Annika's First Check-up

After so many cancelled attempts (cancelled because of traffic and holidays) of going to the hospital for her monthly check-up, finally we did it! Last Friday was our scheduled check up for our baby girl. Upon arriving at our pedia’s clinic, she was weighed and we were a bit shocked knowing that she’s now 4.5kgs heavy. Annika gained 1.2kgs after losing some pounds when she got hospitalized. That’s why carrying her now feels like workout. Hmmm.. Good job si mommy for providing the best milk (breast milk). Hehe! She’s also now 58cms long (1.9ft, almost 2ft). Wow! Ang haba ng baby namin! :)

Percy and I were both happy that our dear Annika was so behave during her actual check up. We were asked by her pedia, Doctora Masangkay if she already knew how to response when we were conversing with her. Gladly, when Doctora was talking while checking on her, our baby girl was so focused, made an eye to eye and don’t even blink. She even gave her cute smile and her “oohhhh” sound. And according to her pedia, very good si baby and maybe on her next visit makikipagdaldalan na daw si baby!

Thank You Lord for our healthy baby girl!

Very blessed,

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