Saturday, January 9, 2016

Annika's First Real Smile

Our baby girl finally did it! She flashed her first real smile (not just one of those reflex lip curls she's been doing since birth) last Wednesday, January 6, when she was exactly 6 weeks and 2 days old. Yehey! :)

According to, a baby's first real smile usually makes an appearance "somewhere between one and a half to 3 months (or 6 and 12 weeks) of life (our little Annika is on track!). You can tell the difference between a reflex and a real smile by the timing and duration. Generally, reflex smiles tend to be shorter and occur randomly, when the baby is sleeping or tired. Real smiles, on the other hand, occur in response to something, like seeing her mama's face or hearing a sibling's high-pitched voice, and they are consistent... When it's the real deal, you will see the emotion expressed in your baby's eyes."

I had been waiting for Annika's first social smile every day, and when it finally happened, I immediately recognized it. I just finished feeding her and as usual, I was talking to her. She made her cute little sound “ooohhh”, and then she flashed the sweetest toothless grin I have ever seen. I knew it was real because it wasn't brief, and it was sandwiched in between other sounds she was making, as if she was conversing with me. I was soooo happy I couldn't stop talking to her. My heart melts! Nakakawala ng pagod at puyat. :)

Thank You Lord for this milestone of Annika! :) I eagerly await her next one: laughter! :)


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